

英漢字典: get across

1. (cause to)cross a road, water,etc. (使)通過

    Using the new bridge to get across will save people a lot of time. 從新橋上通過可以節省人們大量時間。

    The general had to get his troops across the river. 將軍必須把部隊帶過河去。

    When the traffic lessened, they managed to get across. 車輛減少時,他們設法穿過了馬路。

2. (cause to)become understood or accepted(使)理解;把…講清楚

    I spoke slowly,but my meaning didn't get across. 我講得很慢,但我的意思還是沒有被理解。

    The advertisement's basic message gets across very well. 這條廣告的基本信息表達得一清二楚。

    He found it difficult to get his American jokes across to an English audience. 他發覺他的美國笑話很難使英國聽眾發笑。

    The teacher tried to explain the problem but the explanation did not get across to the class. 老師試圖把這個問題解釋清楚,但是他的解釋沒有被學生理解。

    He gets across well, doesn't he?他說的很清楚,是不是?

3. annoy; offend; form a bad relation with使生氣;觸犯;與…搞壞關系

    They really get across me!他們實在使我生氣。

    She got across the boss, who made life very difficult for her. 她得罪了老板,老板使她的日子很不好過。

    These two girls are so different in tem perament that they were bound to get across each other. 這兩個女孩的性格相差太懸殊,彼此肯定合不來。

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